Tuesday, May 8, 2007

About population...

Population growth is such a big problem now that almost everything relates to it. We should be opitimistic of our future life, but with so many problems, how can we be optimistic? In this unit, I've learned a lot. We have to be realistic. Things always happens when we aren't planning well. So have a plan to have a baby is important for everyone, in order to help the world we are living in. As in my country China, population growth is a problem. The government helped a lot in controlling population growth. One-child-policy helped in some part of China, but still needs to be improved and be more strict. Because of the density of population in some parts of the world, people aren't better educated. This leads to wanting more babies. The highly educated parents are wanting to have only one baby or not having a baby. What will happen in the near future? Lower IQ human-being or more intelligent ones?
The mass growing population of developing countries and the reducing population growth in developed countries causes headaches... How can we balance the world population? More need to be explored. Anyway, we should be optimistic so that we can live an easier life. Care more of our planet and our future.

1 comment:

mistone said...

Hi Alice, that topic was very good for us to learn in this class with classmates from various countries. I wished that we could see the China part of the video.